iPoGo App Free Download

iPoGo is a modified version of the Pokémon GO app, designed for iOS and android devices. It typically includes features not found in the official app, such as the ability to move around the map without physically moving, auto-walking, and other enhancements that can significantly alter the gameplay experience.

Some of the key features typically found in iPoGo include:

  1. Virtual Location and Movement: Allows players to move around the Pokémon GO map without physically moving, enabling them to catch Pokémon and visit PokéStops and Gyms from anywhere.
  2. Auto-Walk: Automates walking in the game, which can help in hatching eggs and earning Buddy candies without actual physical movement.
  3. Enhanced Map Details: Provides additional information on the map, such as showing the locations of specific Pokémon, gyms, raids, and PokéStops.
  4. IV Checking: Instantly checks the Individual Values (IVs) of Pokémon, making it easier for players to evaluate and manage their Pokémon collection.
  5. Auto-Catch and Spin: Enables automatic catching of Pokémon and spinning of PokéStops, which can be a significant time-saver.
  6. Raid Assistance: Offers tools or information to help in participating in raids, potentially including remote raiding capabilities.
  7. Teleportation: Allows players to instantly teleport to different locations, which can be useful for participating in events, catching rare Pokémon, or joining raids globally.
  8. Customizable Settings and Filters: Users can set various filters and preferences, such as selecting specific Pokémon to target or ignore.


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